Korean for Dinner

As a potter the most satisfying thing is not to open the kiln or the discovering of a new great glaze-
or even doing a posh show in Mayfair.

It is to witness the magic of pottery in its rightfull setting.

Many great pots live in Museums from birth and now even are made for Museums. This is great and inspiring sometimes,
Like the Grason Perry exhibition at the British museum.
Craft becoming Art.

I personally use Art to make Craft, usefull craft.
Not that I am a traditionalist with the belief that usefull craft is the sole thing worth while making;
but my calling for it is too great for me not to act upon it.

Thank you Catherine for this image that warms my heart.
Catherine is a sharp and very creative contemporary artist,
her work is often personal and diverse both in media and content.
I learn a lot about my own work by meeting up with her as I watch her select my pots.

I send a smile to David and Kathy for making me a similar asian meal a few nights ago with pots I gave them a few years ago.

Great to see pots being LOVED and USED it does make the pots BETTER somehow.

This is MINGEI for me.

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